Papers, papers, and more papers!

I started with typing in business card information into a Google spreadsheet. Then I bartered with someone to scan magazines for me. Then I was hanging out on Twitter and ran across a reference to overhead document scanners and decided to check them out. Here's what I found:For about $200 you can get a scanner that:
  • folds up when not in use
  • auto-detects flipping a page, making the scan about as fast as you can turn the pages
  • has a foot pedal
  • has a microphone to record notes you might make to yourself (for example if you're scanning something you don't want to write on)
  • interprets 180+ languages
  • converts to pdf, searchable pdf, Word, Excel spreadsheet, and tiff

Crazy, right? This is definitely going on my birthday list!
Goodbye magazines, recipe cards, school notes, newspaper clippings, and all kinds of other papers!

Update: I bought it and it's as good as the reviews and as good as you can imagine it would be. This scanner has enabled me to clean out filing cabinets and boxes full of papers!


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